Smithville, MO
(816) 532-0869

Styles are marked by price, but can be changed to suit your taste.

Styles of pens marked by price, but can be changed to suit your taste.

These can be made out of any wood or acrylic (except corn cob and deer antler) to the weight and throwing style to fit you. Can be made for either steel or electronic tip boards. Price $ 30 set of 3

These pocket size atomizers hold any perfume and can be refilled when empty. Price $ 25

These razor handles take a Mach 3 or Fusion razor head, and come with a tooth brush head as well. Price $ 30

Here's the collection for any gun enthusiast. This collection includes 50 cal, 30-06, bolt action, civil war pens made with bullet replicas, shotgun key chains, and a perfume atomizer made from deer antler for that special hunting lady. Price--- email for call for prices of items

This set of Civil War pens come with this stunning box laser engraved pictures of Lee, Grant, Lincoln, and more. Inside are the North and South pens made with replica bullets from the time period. Price $ 150

The pens inside of the Civil War box set are made from buckeye burl wood.